Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Mountain Bike Ride

Written by Jacob D.~

"I have been able to go on two bike rides since being here at TWAI. 

The first ride was really fun!  We rode our bikes five miles to the mountain lake.  When we arrived at the lake we swam and played Capture the Flag in the woods.  We also relaxed and talked around the campfire.


The second bike ride was also a blast!  We rode along the road until we came to a logging road.  It was a difficult ride on this road--it was all uphill.  Then we reached a changing point as the road turned downhill.  This was so much fun!  It felt literally as though I was flying!  We were going so fast down this hill.  I love biking trips here at TWAI!"

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Venturing Trip to Hells Canyon-April 2012

In April of this year, a group of students ventured to the beautiful area of Hells Canyon in southern Idaho.  Below is one student's reflection on the experience:

"Hells Canyon venturing trip was one of my favorite venturing trips here at TWAI!  Before I went on this trip I had heard a lot about tics, snakes, and mountain lions, and man, was I scared about it all!  But it was very fun and nothing scary happened.

The first day of our hike we had traveled 5 miles with heavy packs filled with everything we needed for the week straped on our backs.  Some of the hills were so steep I thought I would fall over, and it hurt, it hurt bad.  My knees were crumbling, my back hurt, and I was sweating oceans.  So bad that at times I couldn't even see, but it was super fun.  Eventually, it dawned on me that I had to use my mind also, instead of relying only on my body---this makes a good quote, eh?! :) Once I came to this realization the next day I was the leader of the pack.  I found myself always walking ahead of everyone else.  We hiked all day; my favorite one was a Suicide Point.  The trail was running super high and I was dangling above the edge of...well, let us just exaggerate and say it was so high I thought the clouds were sheep until I realized they were clouds.  It was beautiful and heavenly.  It was a golden godly expereince. 

On the hike back to our trucks we had to hike the same way we came in, which was easier since we had already done it once before.  On the way back to the school it was a blast.  We went to a buffet where everyone enjoyed chosing all of their favorite foods.  The dessert bar was my favorite spot.

The memories made on this trip will last me a lifetime.  I will tell the stories of my adventure for years to come.  I am grateful to have had this opportunity, as I loved it so much!"

~James W.