Thursday, December 29, 2011

My New Year's Resolution...

Josh B.: Well, the month of December wasn’t the best when it came to avoiding consequences, my New Year needs to be full of positive mindsets, positive decisions and a better outcome. I plan to fully change my behavior so not only can I earn more respect of the staff, but regain the trust of both my mother and father.
Austin R.: Work my program as successfully as possible. I am going to work hard in school, advance in my program, and become a stronger person in therapy.
Ryan A.: Work hard to accomplish all of the goals I set for myself.
Kevin I.: I want to finish highschool.
Andy K-G.: To do better in school and bring up my grades . Study harder, do better work, and express how I feel better!
Robby W.: To gain trust in my family and when I go home be the best Robby I can be.
Brian S.: To express my feeling in a more positive way.
Stefan B.: Finish geometry before the New Year.
Logan W.: To maintain a sober lifestyle once I leave Turning Winds, and to COMMENCE!
Nikolai K.: To go home get a job, buy a car, and start my life.
Abigail S.: Enjoy the rest of my childhood!
Kayla K.: Graduate high school.
Casey E.: To get healthy and find myself.
Megan B.: To do well in my program and keep it up when I get home.
Cameron G.: Do good and get my level back!
Paul H.: Take more control of my life and do what needs to be done in life.
Matt M.: Maintain a positive attitude in everything I do and try to have a positive outlook on life.
Karl S.: Sort out what I should do for my education.
Fabian L.:  Finish high school, then begin to take electives and get a full-time job so I can pay for college.
Evan R.: To be more responsible for me and my actions. To be a better grad and keep my level.
Joey P.: Get my grades up and maybe even finish high school here.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Students Experience Many Firsts in the Majestic Mountains of Montana

The remote location of Turning Winds Academic Institute lends itself to the unique opportunity of experiencing the beauty of pure nature firsthand.  Resting high in the incredible Purcell Mountains away from the usual hustle and bustle of the holiday shopping malls, students are given opportunities to experience the quiet beauty and wonder of the beautiful snow covered landscape.

On November 30th a group of young ladies from Turning Winds Academic Institute hiked out to the Upper Ford cabin in Yaak, Montana.  There were many first time experiences during the trip as many of the students at Turning Winds Academic Institute have never experienced snowfall like this in their young lives.

Throughout the week the students went snowshoeing to Hoskins Lake and the Upper Ford Falls. They also learned to identify a variety of animal tracks and then hunted for the perfect Christmas tree to bring back to the school.  Elizabeth Bailey, Venturing Director at Turning Winds Academic Institute, took this opportunity to teach the girls how to cross country ski.  Anna B. absolutely loved it and said that she plans to go snow shoeing again.

One afternoon was spent sledding.  This being the first sledding experience for one of the students...she was on top of the world!  Many team building exercises were played each evening as well and the young ladies also learned how to make homemade ice cream and ash cakes. 

"After being at Turning Winds Academic Institute for nine months, I've had many experiences with many different people.  Though I have many fond memories, this activity was most definitely one of my favorites. 

The first night we got a late start, but in the end the girls curled up together in front of a warm fire, giving the comforting impression of sisters that we have been lacking for some time. 

Our first full day proved a few unfortunate instances, but in the end the girls pulled together as one in unity.  Over the next few days we went snowshoeing, sledding, cross country skiing, and even cut down our own Christmas tree.  Throughout our team building exercises we learned things about one another and grew closer as a group. 

The trip was beyond a success in which the girls grew closer as a group.  We conquered many obstacles and learned valuable life lessons I never thought I would need. I am so thankful for this amazing experience."  ~Taylor C.

Experiences like this Venturing trip not only offered new experiences for the students here at Turning Winds Academic Institute, but also allowed them to experience firsthand all they can accomplish when they are put to the challenge.

"I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece.
I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk."

Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Favorite Christmas Memory

My Favorite Christmas Memory

By: The Students of TWAI 2011

Ryan P.-
"When I got $200.  Then I went out and bought a lot of things.  Two skate decks, a pair of shoes, food that was very very delicious.  I also bought a pair of Thunder Hallow Light skate trucks.  The two decks that I got were Joey Bersinki the paper series and also Habitat board Austin Gillete.  It was red and orange.  The shoes were Terry Kennedy's and were red and black.  I really enjoyed going and picking all of those things out.  It was very exciting."

Keesha S.-
"My favorite Christmas memory was when I was in 3rd grade.  I had my very first Christmas with my mommy."

Casey E.-
"When I was about 6 years old, my sister and I got a box with holes in it and it was breathing.  We opened it up and this cute little puppy poked her head up.  I remember a the end of the night I fell asleep cuddling with her on her little dog bed."

Kayla K.-
"Every Christmas I wake up early with my brother and sister.  We wait upstairs with hot coco until my dad says to come downstairs.  Then we run to the living room and see a present sitting under the fireplace from Santa.  We watch the Christmas Story and we read the book Polar Express on Christmas Eve."

Megan B.-
"When I was younger I used to help my brother put up Christmas lights and one year we won a plaque with a picture of all our lights on it."

Abigail S.-
"Every year on Christmas morning my grandma would videotape me coming down the stairs to see my Santa present and stocking."

Emily O.-
"My favorite Christmas memory was when I could spend time with my best friend Rachel and all my family."

Erica S.-
"Watching the Grinch on Christmas Eve and hanging out in my p.j.s."

Eddie R.-
"My favorite Christmas memory was the last Christmas I spent with my great great grandmother."

Cameron G.-
"The last Christmas I remember was when I was really little.  I could never wait for my presents and I would sneak around and open them.  Then I would try to re-wrap them and of course I got caught.  I told my mom it was Santa!"

Stefan B.-
"Finding the presents that were for me before Christmas in the garage and under my sister's bed."

Jordan G.-
"My favorite Christmas memory is when I got my first drum set.  It was the best Christmas gift I have ever received. "

Austin R.-
"My favorite Christmas memory is actually a group of memories.  Some of the happiest times of my life were spent back in Pennsylvania with my Dad's entire family.  It wasn't the presents or even the food that made me happy, but the fact that I was with my family that made me happy.  It was so simple yet so perfect."

Kevin K.-
"My favorite Christmas memory was going to Arizona with my family."

Dan B.-
"My favorite memory was eating dinner with my dad, sister, and my grandma."

Evan R.-
"My favorite Christmas memory was the time my family went to Florida for the holidays.  It was weird to have Christmas in a place where the weather was warm and there was no snow."

Ryan A.-
"There is no one favorite memory.  Every Christmas has been great for me.  The best part of Christmas for me is being with my family.  I also enjoy lots of good food as well as giving and receiving gifts."

Robby W.-
"My favorite Christmas memory was last year when I spent it with my family.  We had a really good time and had a lot of good food."

Max G.-
"The Christmas when I received a lot of presents."

Paul H.-
"My favorite Christmas memory was when I got my X-box 360.  When my family was there and watched me unwrap it.  I was so excited and will never forget it!"

Fabian L.-
"My favorite was one back in Germany when I was little.  I don't remember many details but I do remember being very happy."
John M.-
"Would have to be last year when I got my IPod nano.  We are cookies and other great food, had quality family time and went to Big Bend the next day."

Karl S.-
"Pancakes for breakfast and having really nice brunch.  Also getting presents."

Brian S.-
"My favorite Christmas memory is from when I was six or seven.  It was Christmas morning and I woke up at 5:00 am and so did my brother.  We were so excited to open our presents that we couldn't get back to sleep.  We kept sneaking into our parents room to see if they were awake, but we didn't want to wake them up.  Finally when they woke up we went downstairs to open presents. "

Matt M.-
"My favorite Christmas memory has to be spending the holidays with my cousin Danny.  I don't get to see him much so catching up and spending time is fun.  I'm an only child and he is like my brother.  Hanging out and joking around always makes Christmas so much fun."

Kevin I.-
"Eating soup with my family and opening presents."

Logan W.-
"My favorite Christmas memory was when our family was in New York City in a hotel.  I can't remember which hotel it was but I was young enough to worry about Santa Claus.  I thought that I was not going to get presents, but when I woke up there were presents in the hotel room. Then we went out to eat at the steakhouse and it was awesome."

Nikolai K.-
"My favorite Christmas memory was driving around with my parents and my siblings on Christmas Eve.  We would go out to eat and then see all the lights on the houses."

Josh B.-
"It was the Christmas of 2007 in Florida spent with my entire family.  On Christmas it was a dark and cloudy day, I love those type of days so it was comforting to have a day like that.  My whole family gathered at our house.  We ate wonderful food and spent quality time together as a family.  My mom gave me a CD I had been wishing for.  I listened to it all day long!  Then I went out and shot off fireworks with Dylan.  I miss those types of holidays.  I miss my family."

Julia D.-
"My favorite Christmas memory is when I would always wake up at like 4 am, wake my sister and we would run downstairs to see all the presents under the tree and our stockings filled.  Then we would go wake up our brother and parents and they would videotape us while opening them."

Aspen E.-
"My favorite Christmas memory is every single one that I spend with my family."

Steven K.-
"My favorite Christmas memory is when I was with my whole family.  We were sitting around the fire telling stories about the past.  It was a very Merry Christmas."

Daniel B.-
"My favorite Hanukkah memory is sitting around the menorah with my family."

Steve S.-
"My favorite Christmas memory would have to be last year when I was with my family.  But I am sure this Christmas will be amazing because I will get to spend it with my whole family!"

Friday, December 9, 2011

Virtue of the Month: Verbal Assertiveness

Virtue of the Month
Verbal Assertiveness

By: Riley J.

"The virtue, verbal assertiveness, which we all know and love, is one that is very significant to my life. I arrived at Turning Winds with no confidence and therefore, wasn't assertive whatsoever. I would let people control me and lead me down a dark path with no future ahead. After a year of learning and exercising leadership, I have become a motivated and emphatic influence on my peers and even myself. I never would've thought assertiveness could open up so many opportunities for me; I'm now in control of my life and have a positive direction ahead.

There are two types of people in the world: leaders and followers. Leaders, defined by many adjectives, have to be assertive or else they aren't making a big impact. Followers, on the other hand, are usually more timid and don't speak up.

Turning Winds defines Verbal Assertiveness as: speaking up in a supportive and encouraging manner. I've learned to apply this to my own life and help others apply it to theirs as well."

By:  Nikolai K.

"Turning Winds Academic Institute defines verbal assertiveness as speaking up in a supportive and encouraging manner.  To me verbal assertiveness is the ability to voice your opinions regardless of what others may think, stand up for yourself, and using your voice to help guide others. 

Part of being a leader in our group here means holding others accountable, supporting members in the group, and at times being the voice of reason.  To be able to do this you need to have the ability to get your voice out in a powerful and supportive way.

Verbal assertiveness is also important to utilize at home and in your life as well.  Being able to express your views, take a stand for what you believe in, or just state your opinion is an important tool to have.

Verbal assertiveness also ties in with another virtue we have here...respect.  To be able to take a stand, or to voice your views in a way that is respected.  With respect your voice is more likely to be heard and have a positive effect on those around you."