On March 07, 2012, John Baisden invited a group of students and a teacher from Turning Winds Academic Institute to attend a fundraiser hosted by Stillwater Christian School. The theme for the event was, “For such a Time as This, an Evening with Tim Tebow.” What a wonderful opportunity this was to visit with, and listen to Tim Tebow discuss overcoming adversity in his life and instilling hope, faith and perseverance while speaking to a crowd of over 2000 people in Kalispell, MT.

Along with tickets to attend the event, I was given a single pass that afforded the opportunity for someone to have a personal conversation and photo shoot with Tim Tebow. I decided to give that opportunity to our only eighteen year old student, Logan W. I hope that that event made a profound impact upon Logan as well as the rest of the students. Those in attendance from our school were Logan W., Brian S., Matt M., Kevin I. and Steve K. Also, in attendance was our longest standing teacher (nine years) at TWAI, Scott Bertsch.

One of the great stories that Tim Tebow shared with us surrounded the events of the BCS National Championship when Florida beat out Oklahoma 24-14. Coach Meyer set the tone that football season with the mentality of not winning the BCS National Championship but, instead he had preached all season to his team that they needed to “finish strong” in everything that they did both on and off the field. When Tim Tebow had just scored another touchdown to put Florida up by ten points, he knew that he had sealed the deal and that they would win the national championship. As Tim walked off the field, Coach Meyer walked over to him as he took off his headset. He grabbed Tim, hugged him and said, “You finished strong, I love you and I am proud of you!”

is what we hope for with every student that is enrolled in TWAI. That when they have completed their stay at
our school, they are received by a parent, grandparent or guardian and are able
to say as Coach Meyer conveyed to Tim Tebow, “You finished strong, I love you
and I am proud of you!” Let us all be a
little better in our lives that we may be an instrument for good and finish