Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Students of Turning Winds Academic Institute Give Thanks

During this time of Thanksgiving, we asked a group of students to share what they are thankful for.  Below are their responses:

"I'm thankful for my mommy, my daddy, my brother, my cousins, my family, my feline friend Honcho, my friends, food, charity, and sun.  For the first time in my life, I am thankful for sun." ~Leah W.

"I'm thankful for my education.  Without an education I wouldn't be able to get a job or go anywhere in life.  I am also thankful for my dad because he understands me and will always be there for me."  ~Megan B.

"I'm thankful for my mom, my dad, my family, my horse Spunk, good food, warm weather, and going home for good very soon." ~Samantha H.

"I'm thankful for Missy, Hannah, mom, dad, Mimi, gramma and gram pa, Brady, Delaney, California, pumpkin-pie, left over pasta, art, singing, musical instruments, Frontier High School's "Big Blue Crew" Marching Titans, chocolate ice cream, home visits, a bed to sleep in at night, clothes, food, spring and fall, silver maple trees, hedgehogs, MUSIC, dalmatians, minpins, reeds, opinions, myself, life, chances, and love." ~Beth G.

"I'm thankful for my family when they spend time with me on this day.  And for my friends who always want to spend time with me."  ~Anna B.

"I'm thankful for my family, my beautiful mother, my step dad and brothers, and my father.  Food, good friends, summer, fall, life, second chances, music, and love."  ~Taylor C.

"I'm thankful for my family!  Thank you for everything!" ~Abbi S.

"I'm thankful for my family because they are supportive of everything I do and my best friends Rachel and Amber for being there for me in the darkest parts of my life.  Thank you and I love you all with all my heart."  ~Emily O.

"I'm thankful for everything and everyone because life is good." ~Aspen

"I'm thankful for my family because they always support me." ~Katie N.

"I'm thankful for England, good friendships, fun holidays in America, good music, good food, and freedom." ~Karl S.

"I'm thankful for everyone and everything." ~Kevin K.

"I'm thankful for freedom, family, friends, and life."  ~Dan B.

"I'm thankful for my family, my friends, Pb & J's, Big Daddy Joe, Evan, the cold snow, Room 6, The Hanger games, cold showers, pre-made food, and a second chance." ~Paul H.

"I'm thankful for family, Vincent Martinez, Cheyenne Traush, life, second chances, true relationships, the people that care about my success and future, hot weather, my grandparents, the years I have lived, the friends I have made, the people I have met, the knowledge I have retained, the wisdom that is around me, the support I have received from loved ones, the support I have received from others, the love that my little sisters have given me, the love that my parents have given me, the relationships that I have built, and the opportunities that I have and have been given."  ~Gabe A.

"I'm thankful for food, friends, my brother and sister, music, freedom, life, death, opportunities, fresh starts, turning 18 soon, water, my best friend Kevin Bentley, and happiness!"  ~Logan W.

"I'm thankful for everything I have ever gotten.  There are many things I love and am thankful for."  ~Andy K-G.

"I'm thankful for second chances, snowboarding, skiing, soccer, football, being alive, the changes I have made, my mom, and my brother, my friends here at TWAI and at home."  ~Fabian L.

"I'm thankful for lacrosse, football, basketball, having a good time with my friends, eating good food, calculator, indoor plumbing, water, snow, snowboarding, swimming, hot tubs, and my friend Fabian."  ~Daniel B.

"I'm thankful for seeing my parents, being a pre-grad, family, animals, water, nature, friends, football, the Redskins, photograph, music, and everything good."  ~Jordan G.

"I'm thankful for my family and friends." ~Cameron G.

"I'm thankful for my dog, money, owls, the Constitution, sports, music, sweets, believing in science, evolution, cats."  ~Robert S.

"I'm thankful for friends, family, life, liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness."  ~Tyler S.

"I'm thankful for the plentiful bounties of the sea and all the creatures that inhabit it, newborn babies...humans and horses, the weather, toaster ovens and all their wonderful creations, but most of all; my family and friends and all who love me."  ~Evan R.

"I'm thankful for everything that has happened to me in the past 17 years.  Frank, for helping me get into the Le Cordon Bleu.  Taylor Avila, for teaching me how to get through hard times and helping me get in and out of day by day life.  My mom for homeschooling me and not putting me in school as long as she could.  My dad for giving me my love for cooking and helping me get to where I am today. Finally for everyone that has helped me in the past 17 years." ~Korey H.

"I'm thankful for Turning Winds for getting my life back on track, family, and friends."  ~Steven K.

"I'm thankful for my family, my friends, the chance to be at TWAI, clothes, my best friend Joseph, creative rays, the brand supreme, food, Kevin, and the Dodgers." ~Ryan P.

"I'm thankful for life, family, snowboarding, being thankful, and Steve."  ~Riley J.

"I'm thankful for food, friends, family, forests, fires, fabric, fables, and faces."  ~Brooks C.

"I'm thankful for my family, my friends, snowboarding, good food, the outdoors, sports, snow forts, hunting, music, good movies, and being alive and healthy."  ~Ryan A.

"I'm thankful for my family and friends."  ~Matt M.

"I'm thankful for my mom and dad, my brother, my best friends Joe and Ben, my family, the second chance my mom and dad gave me, everything my family has done for me, food, a roof over my head, music."  ~Robby W.

"I'm thankful for my parents, whom are my best friends.  I'm thankful for forgiveness and second chances, for holidays and good food.  I am really thankful for life changing for the better and realizing who I really am and what I want in life.  I'm thankful for positive sobriety and going sledding in the snow.  I'm really thankful for every member of my family, hot showers, waking up to see letters from my parents by my door, getting packages in the mail, my roommates, dessert on Sunday, watching movies, staff, close friends, waking up with motivation, having a home to go back to, reading books, and being alive."  ~Josh B.

"I'm thankful for my family, the great opportunities that I have been given, my friends, and second chances."  ~Nick M.

"I'm thankful for my amazing parents, the changes I have made within myself and my family, Turning Winds for allowing me to make those changes, the friends I have at home and the friends at TWAI, my amazing family and home, and the people that care about me, not materialistic things...I am thankful for life!"  ~Justin P.

"I'm thankful for my friends and family, life, good food, opportunities, second chances, good living, and freedom."  ~Andrew G.

"I'm thankful for my parents saving my life.  I've almost lost my life more than once, and I wouldn't have been surprised if I had died by now if I wasn't sent here.  Although I may not want to be here all of the time, I know that it is good for me and saved my life.  I am also thankful for the support I am getting from my family, whether it is the clothes I need or in the letters I receive.  I know my family is there to provide it for me."  ~Brian S.

"I'm thankful for my parents giving me the gift of a second chance.  A time to start over fresh and pave the way to a better life for myself.  I am thankful for the enormous support my extended family provides me everyday.  And last but not least I am thankful for my best friends Justin.  He has helped me more than he knows."  ~Austin R.

"I'm thankful for football, the Vikings, family, food, warm weather, baseball, basketball, Boston Celtics, Ray Allen, second chances, clothes, shoes, St. Paul MN, Justin, Alan, school, teachers, shoes, and friends."  ~Max G.

"I'm thankful for my mom, my sister, second chances, hockey, supportive friends, my father, and all of the great memories I have."  ~Steve S.

"I'm thankful for all close my close friends here and at home, family, music, freedom, relaxing, outdoors, all my life experiences."  ~Nikolai K.

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Turning Winds Academic Institute!