Start Last, Finish First

According to Ian B., one of the student’s from TWAI, this is how the race went down, “Everyone gathered at the starting area, and before looking, we heard the pop of the starting gun and most of the crowd launched forward. We started off in the back of the park with the mentality of, “Start Last, Finish First." We quickly made it through most of the crowd and we were well on our way to running the 10K. The run took us from the park just behind the Kootenai River Brewery Company and across the bridge before we started
through the secluded neighborhoods of Bonners Ferry. We kept a steady pace throughout the run apart from a few walking breaks. When we got back to the park and crossed the finish line, only about 50 minutes had passed, which round’s out to about 9 minutes miles. When the times were posted, we found that for 16-19 age categories, we placed 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th; we were all quite satisfied with those results.”
We extend our congratulations to Ian, Trevor, Nick, Luke and Jan for a race ran well! At Turning Winds Academic Institute we strive to create sustainable success through meaningful activities; therapeutic services and excellent, academic achievement. For more information on how Turning Winds Academic Institute may be of service to your son or daughter, please call us at: 800-845-1380.